Geluksappels in Vathorst - Lucky apples in Vathorst
2007, apple tastery, Vario Mundo, Amersfoort
In the district of Vathorst, several streets have been named after polders with female names: Cathalijnepolder, Clarapolder, Henricapolder, Louisapolder, Magdalenapolder, Vrouwenpolder [womens’ polder] and Damespolder [ladies’ polder]. As an homage to these unknown women, visitors of the manifestation ‘Kunstkavels [art parcels] 2007’ were given the opportunity to taste several apples, including ancient Dutch species and engraved ‘lucky apples’ with the inscription ‘Happiness for sale’ – the theme of these Art Parcels.
There are hundreds of apple species and many ancient Dutch apples have beautiful poetic names such as Lemoenappel, Bloemeezoet, Notarisappel, Rode Tulpappel, Zijden Hempje, Zigeunerin, Anna Boelens. Nowadays, however, supermarkets and greengrocers only sell a limited range of apple species.
The fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in Paradise has become synonymous to the apple – though it is never mentioned as such in the Bible. The combination of female names and apples is an allusion that may appeal to the imagination.
In de wijk Vathorst (vinexwijk ten noorden van de stad Amersfoort) zijn enkele straten benoemd naar polders met vrouwennamen: Cathalijnepolder, Clarapolder, Henricapolder, Louisapolder, Magdalenapolder etc. Als hommage aan deze onbekende vrouwen hebben bezoekers van de manifestatie ‘Kunstkavel 2007’ verschillende appels kunnen proeven waaronder oude Nederlandse soorten en ook gegraveerde geluksappels met de tekst ‘Geluk te koop’ – thema van de manifestatie maar ook motto van onze huidige consumptiemaatschappij.